DF Capital

DF Capital switches to verified website domain – www.dfcapital.bank

27 March 2023

As a fully authorised bank DF Capital is now using the website address www.dfcapital.bank. The bank has set up an automatic redirection from www.dfcapital.co.uk and will be retaining that domain address indefinitely. Visitors don’t need to do anything different to reach existing content. Saved links and bookmarks will continue to work as before and there’s no change to existing customer portals, online accounts, or the investor website address.

Tony Reilly-Romo, head of infrastructure and information security at DF Capital said: “The aim with the switch is to provide improved security. .bank is what’s called a gated domain and is only available for verified banks. It has better security standards and is harder for fraudsters to copy the domain because they cannot go through this vetting process”.

The bank has also recently refreshed its security tips for customers which can be viewed here.

If customers have any concerns or questions about this change they can use the contact us area of the website to reach a member of the team.